Bioperine: Making Nutrient Delivery Faster and More Efficient

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Bioperine was added to the original VigRX formula that was introduced more than 15 years ago. The result was VigRX Plus. You get pretty much the same benefits, but now everything has been made more effective.

What Is Bioperine?

Bioperine is also known as piperine – Bioperine is a trademark name for specific herbal formulations. Simply put, it is an extract derived from black pepper, long pepper, piper longum, and other types of peppers. It is the thing that gives these peppers that somewhat spicy taste.

Clinical Studies on Bioperine

We already know that many scientists and the medical field frown upon herbal remedies and other similar treatments. There is still a degree of bias against alternative medical solutions, whether they believe it or not.

The good news is that despite that bias, some medical experts were willing to test and study the effects of this herbal extract.

Clinical studies conducted in the United States show that Bioperine can help boost the body’s rate of absorption of various minerals.

Whenever it is combined with other nutrients (as in the case of many herbal supplements today, including VigRX Plus), it helps the human body absorb the nutrients it was mixed with. It also allows these said nutrients to blend well.

Other studies on Bioperine have demonstrated an increase in the bioavailability of certain nutrients. For instance, one study shows that by including Bioperine, the absorption rate of coenzyme Q10 was increased up to 30%.

It can make the absorption of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 a lot easier. It also increases the rate of absorption of other nutrients such as beta-carotene and selenium.

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In other trials, the bioavailability of other nutrients increased up to 20 times more. This extract has been proven to be so effective that several patents have been awarded for specific formulas that make use of it.

Examples of which include patent # 5,972,382 and # 5,744,161.

Benefits of Using Bioperine

Other than helping the body absorb different nutrients better, Bioperine also has many other health benefits. They include the following:

  • Immunomodulator – it helps slow down immune action to reduce the amount of inflammatory response due to a faulty immune reaction; making it a treatment for gout.
  • Anti-tumor effects
  • Antidepressant

The other good news is that Bioperine has no side effects, which means it is generally safe. Of course, there may be a time when a patient would report a side effect experienced, but that remains to be seen.

Bioperine is included in the formula for VigRX Plus to help promote better absorption of the other nutrients in this helpful supplement.

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