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Finding a solution for erectile dysfunction can be daunting. Getting scammed in the process is a truly telling experience. That can lead you to doubt every other product you come across – even the legit ones!
So, when you encounter a product like VigRX Plus that promises to make sex better, tune up your sex life, improve your libido, and give you rock hard erections, you may feel like you have heard all of that before.
Sure, you’ve heard it all before, and maybe, just maybe, it’s a scam.
Or maybe not – but how can you know for sure?
Here’s How You Can Know for Yourself
When placed side by side with the claims of other male enhancement formulas out there, the claims that VigRX Plus makes don’t sound any different, right? Well, check it out for yourself; here are the claims:
- Makes sex 71.43% better
- Increase your ability to penetrate your partner by 58.97%
- Improve your overall sex drive by as much as 47%
- Increase your capacity to maintain your erection as much as 62.82%
- Increase the number of your orgasms by 22.49%
The numbers may vary but you may feel like you’re getting a déjà vu when you read one claim and then read another.
It’s like every other libido enhancer and penis enlarging product says the same thing. You can even call them as copycat Viagra except that Viagra works and they don’t.
On top of that, there are a lot of fake products and imitations of real products to weed out. So, how can you tell if this product is no different? Here are a few hints:
Hint #1 – Check Out The Testimonial Evidence
There should be at least someone out there who has tried this product.
Check out the product reviews and see what actual customers have to say.
However, you also have to identify which testimonial evidence is legit and which ones are fake (some companies pay people to publish bogus customer testimonies).
Hint #2 – Check If There Are Any Registered Complaints From The BBB
The Better Business Bureau is there for a specific purpose.
It publishes complaints about companies and they also rank them according to how reliable they are.
If a customer has complained about a company and if it is legit then you should be able to find some info from the BBB.
The VigRX company’s name is Leading Edge Marketing Inc. Search for it on the BBB website and see if it has a positive or negative rating.
Hint #3 – Verify The Medical Information
Almost always, male enhancement products will make claims and would offer some sort of “medical study” or “clinical study” as proof of the legitimacy of their products.
They usually will offer you a link to some research group like NCBI for instance.
Follow the link, and what do you get?
You will see a study for a specific ingredient and not on the actual product itself.
And that is what sets VigRX Plus apart.
There are actual clinical studies conducted on this actual product and not just some ingredient.
The studies have been published via BioMed Central – an actual peer-reviewed publisher (1).
On top of that, the said clinical trials have been republished by the National Institute of Health as well as in The US National Library of Medicine.
Simply put, you can verify the truth for yourself.
Now, if your questions have been answered, order your pack today.